Panorama Pediatric Group

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What Do We Teach Our Children?

In recent days, many of you have asked us this question and we have had to revisit this question ourselves.  Our collective answer is on the home page of our website:

Panorama Pediatric Group’s vision is that ALL children enjoy the best possible health, families lead healthy lifestyles, and communities value children as the highest priority.

We consider this a great responsibility-- one that we have held as a practice for over 57 years and will continue to promote in all of our efforts as caregivers and advocates for children in our practice and our community.

  • Our practice embraces and values diversity and inclusiveness.
  • We provide a place of unconditional trust and safety.
  • We affirm evidence-based approaches and science to guide our actions.
  • And we do so providing care for individual children and families and promoting responsibility for all.

At PPG we will lead and teach our children by the example of these values. We ask that you join us in teaching your children and all children by your example.